
The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm is a text mining algorithm that aims to extract topics from long texts. In a nutshell, LDA assumes that each document defines a distribution over topics, and each topic defines a distribution over words. Each word is generated by first sampling a topic from the document, and then sampling a word from the topic. To train an LDA is to solve for the parameters of these two distributions (doc-topic and topic-word) given many documents; To evaluate an LDA usually means predicting the topic distribution for a new unseen document.

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The EM algorithm is very straightforward to understand with one or two proof-of-concept examples. However, if you really want to understand how it works, it may take a while to walk through the math. The purpose of this article is to establish a good intuition for you, while also provide the mathematical proofs for interested readers. The codes for all the examples mentioned in this article can be found at https://github.com/mistylight/Understanding_the_EM_Algorithm.

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In the previous post, we case studied two examples: two coins and GMM, provided the algorithms for solving them (without proof), and derived a generalized form of the EM algorithm for solving a family of similar problems — finding the maximum log-likelihood with unknown hidden variables. This post will focus on the proof: Why are the algorithms showcased in the two examples mathematically equivalent to the final form of EM?

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